Engaging passive candidates can be difficult at times. Here are some templates you can use to reach out to candidates

Engaging passive candidates can be difficult at times. Here are some templates you can use to reach out to candidates
Hello [Name],
I saw you and your patent(s) on HardSkills and thought I'd reach out. You've got a stunning patent portfolio and the experience to match! I'm looking for candidates like you to join our team of elite engineers. Would you be interested in this job opening? It's at [company] that is currently dominating its field and really staking out the future of XX Technology (I'll let them tell you more about it once you meet). You can read more about the role here [Insert hyperlink].
[Your name]
[Your company]
Hey there [Name],
You're a superstar at what you do and a true expert in [Product area/patent classification]! Well, at least I think so from reading your patent [link to HardSkills-patent]. If you're looking for a new challenge, we have an opening at [Your company] that might be a fit based on your experience. If you're interested, let's chat about it and see if it could be a good fit. I'm available on [date and time]. Let me know if you are interested and would like to discuss it.
[Your name]
[Your company]
Hi [Name],
I loved reading your patent! It was super interesting and I see that you have some deep knowledge & expertise in the field of [Patent classification/product area]. You really know your stuff for sure! However, I've been wanting to ask you about this job opening. It looks like you have the perfect background for it, and I have no doubt that you will be a great fit. So if it makes sense to chat, let me know what your calendar looks like. You can read more about the role here: [Insert hyperlink].
[Your name]
[Your company]
Dear [Name],
I just read your patent to create a [product] and immediately had to reach out to you. I was wondering if you were looking to make a transition into the private sector [Or industry]; I have a job opportunity at my company, [Company name] that would be a great fit for your background and expertise. You can read more about the role here: [Insert hyperlink]. Let me know if you are interested in this offer!
[Your name]
[Your company]
Hi [Name],
I'm writing to you because of my interest in your work on [patent]. That is the kind of creative thinking we are looking for in our [Department name] department. It's also the kind of talent that would be effective at realizing our innovation strategy. We have an opening for a [Insert role name], and wanted to get in touch to see if you're interested. You can read more about the job here: [insert hyperlink]. If you have any questions or would like to talk, just let me know!
[Your name]
[Your company]
Hello [Name],
I've got a first round interview coming up for an open position at [Company name] and I wanted to mention you. The job to a large extent regards the experience you acquired when working on the Patent XX. The kind of deep expertise in the area of [Patent classification/knowledge] would be a perfect fit into our [Department name]-department. I'd love to have you as part of the team if you are interested? Let me know if you are open for a coffee or digital meeting to discuss it!
[Your name]
[Your company]
Hi [Name],
I saw your patent [link], the one that describes the [Usage area] of [insert use case]; it looks like a relevant topic for a role at my company: [Insert role]. We have an opening in our R&D team, and I wanted to reach out to you directly because of your experience in the field. Would you be interested in discussing this role, and how it might fit in with your goals?
[Your name]
[Your company]
Hi [Name],
I know applying for positions is a pain, why I'm going to make this super easy for you. I just read your patent on [patent description/name] and it was interesting. It seems like the perfect fit for the position I'm recruiting for at [company]. You'd be perfect because you have a background in [key skill needed for the job] and have done work in [additional key skills needed for the job]. If you're not interested, that's fine. All we can do is try to introduce people to great opportunities. Let me know if you are interested in learning more about the role by replying back with a "yes". If not, no worries either!
[Your name]
[Your company]
Hello [Name],
You're probably surprised to hear from me, but I work at [company] and we just had an opening come up in our R&D department. It's a great opportunity to pioneer [insert technology in field] and I was hoping you might be interested. You can see the job posting here [insert hyperlink], but it's actually even better than it looks. We have an old fashioned policy at [company] where we just hire the best person for the job, regardless of how many hours they want to work or any of those other things you typically see in job postings. In short, we work with some pretty cool people around here who do super cool stuff. If you're interested, I'd be happy to set up a call. Thanks for your interest!
[Your name]
[Your company]
Hello [Name]
I see you're interested in patenting your work, which is really cool. When I came across a patent of yours on [Insert patent name] I realized you would be a great fit to a role at [Company]. We have a role in R&D, where you get to work on new and exciting technologies in [Field]. The job description is here: [Role hyperlink]. If interested, let me know when would be a good time to chat again?
[Your name]
[Your company]
Hello [Name],
You are quite the star! Having 3 patents under your belt is quite impressive (especially at a young age). I have a job opening for someone like you. We're seeking an [job title] because our clients keep reporting the same issues with [challenges in the industry]. We are looking to find someone who can help us solve these problems and really shape our future products. It looks like you're the right fit, what do you think?
[Your name]
[Your company]
Hello [Name],
You seem really busy, so I'll make this quick. I saw your patent on [insert patent name and link] and thought you might be interested in a [Role name, research scientist] opening I currently have at my company. Please see the job description below for more details. The job could be a great opportunity for you to join our team of [researchers/engineers/technicians], and we'd love to have you come aboard! Please let me know what you think; I'll be happy to answer any questions you might have. If we're not a good fit, please let me know if there's anyone else I should be talking to at your organization or from your patent who might have similar qualifications. Thanks again and hope to hear from you soon!
[Your name]
[Your company]
Hi [Name],
I noticed that you are granted the patent "What could go wrong?" that provides a technique on how to travel back in time. I'm writing to you in hopes of discussing a position opening at my company. You see, we put our employees on time-travel projects and we need engineers who have experience with time-jumps (which means you will have an advantage). We're looking for top talent and as such, we would like to put your name in our pool of candidates. Just let me know if you're interested or not.
[Your Name]
Hi [Name],
I noticed that you were granted the patent "[Patent Name]" that provides a technique on [Patent application]. I'm writing to you in hopes of discussing a position opening at my company. You see, we put our employees on [field/R&D] projects and we need engineers who have experience with [Technical field] (which means you will have an advantage). We're looking for top talent and as such, we would like to put your name in our pool of candidates. Just let me know if you're interested or not.
[Your Name]